#ATD2015 – It’s a wrap!
The ATD ICE (Association for Talent Development International Conference and Expo) Conference never fails to teach me something new. This will have been my sixth time, in a row, attending this conference and by now, one would think I would be nonchalant about the experience. Wow, is that not the case. This year brought a very different social learning experience for me, almost as though I was viewing the conference through bifocal lenses. The view from the top lens is one as a new business owner, making business contacts and looking for new ways to improve my business model. The view from bottom, the one that brings stuff in for closer view was building new relationships. What really made this conference experience different (and a bit more anxious for me) was the fact that my normal group of peeps would not be attending this year. This, as one might predict, turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Not having the usual suspects with me gave me the freedom to concentrate on truly seeing what was up close – meeting new people, something I might not have made the time to do considering the hustle and bustle of the conference.
Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?
Here’s my big shout out – The ladies from Red Feather Network! Michele Lawson and Kelly Phillips. Because I trusted them to help me manage my conference experience as a business owner, this freed me up to meet some wonderful people and not in a “used cars salesman, here’s what I can do for you”, kind of way – but to connect genuinely. It really is an inner battle. We have limited time to see old friends and meet new ones. We make plans to have dinners, cocktails and whatnot but when the rubber meets the road, plans go to hell in a hand basket. We forget that this conference is a run here, run there, catch this session and that session and manage the short time the expo is open, type of event. Especially in Orlando where the convention center is HUGE! I try to keep my options open, while I want to catch up with old friends, meeting new ones and developing my PLN (Personal Learning Network) is just as important. So while I love you guys (you know who you are) thank you for making my choices easier this year. I have now connected with a whole bunch of new Rebels who are making a difference. I sense a disturbance in the Force!
Now, because of this confluence of events, I have different people contributing to the “It’s a Wrap” series. How cool is that? Here’s where we’re gonna start. There was a lot of talk about the “backchannel” before the conference date pounced on us. First in this blog post from Mark Sheppard, then from my “What’s in your conference bag” and lastly there were deeper details within my last newsletter (subscribe here!). Well, I noticed that Sue Prenderville (@sueprendo) was following the conference pretty closely from the backchannel and I had hoped that she would be willing to describe how she used the backchannel, not from a theoretical perspective but a live one – and did she come through, creating a mini video explaining her tools for keeping up. I love the video she put together, and I know you will too. (Created via Adobe Voice)
Don’t forget to share your backchannel experiences in comment section below. I would love to hear your story, and others will benefit ~ a win, win!
#ATD2015 Perspective via Sue Prenderville
Susann Prenderville moved from Ireland to the US in 2012 to build on a growing career in learning and development. Now based in Vancouver, she works as a freelance instructional designer and e-learning author for Limestone Learning Inc. In 2014, she was a “One To Watch” winner through ATD’s Young Professionals Recognition Program. She is passionate about staying current in the industry and for her own self-directed learning. Sue strives to enable learners through effective, aligned and conscientious learning design.”
Share your favorite backchannel story or experience!