ATD 2016 It’s a Wrap! (PT 2): Sam Rogers

ATD 2016 It's a Wrap Sam

ATD 2016 a New Speaker’s View

The wonderful thing about the annual ATD ICE conference (ATD2016/#ATD2016), is all the wonderful and truly talented people you get to meet. I “met” Sam Rogers via a live video streaming tool called Well, I’ve “known” Sam via twitter for awhile, but it was his Blab show L&D Talk with Brent Schlenker where I was actually able to see him. You know, put a face to a name (or twitter handle as it were). Sam is an incredibly smart, and SUPER nice guy (who owns Snap Synapse, LLC).  Now, a smart business person wouldn’t let a competitor near her website. BUT…he’s an incredibly smart guy…and after listening to him on Blab and then talking with him at the conference, I knew I couldn’t leave him out. He offers a different perspective – one from a speakers point of view. I hope you enjoy.


What impressed you the most about ATD 2016? Didn’t go? That’s ok. Jump to the comments and tell us about a conference experience that left a lasting impression on you. 

Sam Rogers ATD 2016 a New Speaker View: by Sam Rogers

Though I’ve attended several learning conferences in the past dozen years, this year’s visit to the ATD International Conference & Expo (ATD ICE) was certainly a perspective shift. Likely because I’ve recently started making the rounds as a speaker on the Learning & Development (L&D) conference circuit. The result is that now I’m far more picky about the events that I will continue to attend — and I also have even more appreciation for all that is ATD ICE!

Other organizations with domestic conferences like DevLearn, Training, Learning DevCamp, etc. each draw different kinds of crowds and thus provide very different experiences and impressions of our industry. Some of these may be the perfect thing for you! But realize that some may not.

ATD ICE is by far the biggest, and with this there are simply more intersections of every kind. Whether it’s the size of the expo hall or the number of presenters, the variety of roles of attendees or the diverse array of industries represented, or the global draw of the event, ATD ICE seems to have something for everyone involved in any aspect of training.

Basically, whatever you’re into, there’s a lot of it here.

As I’ve written about previously, the networking IS the value of any such conference, and it’s the activities around the official schedule that yield the greatest reward.

Yes, of course, you want to hear the wise words from the stars of L&D, but chatting about what you’ve learned with other attendees is inevitably the juiciest and most memorable part. Plus, you might just rub elbows and ask questions of your L&D idols informally over a meal or in the halls or at one of the many after parties that vendors are always hosting. Never skimp on these things.

In fact, this is exactly why I have taken to speaking, to gain greater access to the unofficial events where “the cool kids” hang out. That’s how I finally met Shannon Tipton (one of my eLearning idols) and was invited to write this very post. I didn’t ask her, I just cared about what she does and made a point of saying so in a relaxed context. Then an unexpected opportunity appeared. Score!

You see, like thousands of others, I traveled to ATD2016 to listen and to learn.

I want to know what challenges my peers are facing, what solutions they are leveraging. I want to hear people gripe, I want to learn what inspires them. I want to update my knowledge about what matters to whom and why, and conferences like this are the very best place to do it.

Unlike some other speakers, there’s nothing for me sell. I’m not looking for work, and I have no product to hype. I go to conferences because I’m passionate about L&D and I want to meet to others who are too, though I’m not naturally great at initiating conversations. Upon seeing the Speaker ribbon on my nametag, people inevitably come up and talk to me about something I happen know a lot about — or at least am interested in. When that happens, all I have to do is respond. Then conversations become engaging and new professional relationships become easy.

Of course, when you’re a speaker you still have to get up and present your session. When I first walked into the room to set up for mine and noticed it held about 250 people, it seemed…big. Especially being up against nearly 20 other concurrent sessions on Day 1 (a Sunday, no less!), I did not expect to see good numbers. And yet by the time I started it was comfortably full. It went very well.. Several other sessions that I tried to pop into later that day were filled to the brim.

ATD keynote 2016
ATD2016 Keynote Auditorium Denver

Likewise, each of the keynotes spilled over into overflow rooms by their appointed start. If you were on time, you were too late. I believe this is a good thing, a subtle way of conditioning people to take the entire event seriously. ATD ICE was serious, and it was also pretty fun.

Logistics for an event that straddles that line at this scale is no small matter. As someone who has produced events in the past, it’s easy for me to spot when the edges are fraying. I see it all the time, but happily not ATD ICE. I’m sure the event production team had some problems somewhere (every event does!) but I must say it was totally invisible to me. The staff was professional & friendly, the volunteers were enthusiastic & informed, and the attendees/presenters were directed clearly & consistently as things changed. Kudos to them.

From every angle, I was impressed with my ATD2016 experience in Denver. I look forward to ATD2017 in Atlanta, and hope to see YOU there!

Want more from Sam: (You know you do!)

Click here for his session presentation!

Click here for his handouts!

From this It’s a Wrap Series:

Part 1: Tricia Ransom – Finding Your True North,

Part 3: Chris Coladonato: #3 C’s to Reflection

Related: 7 After Conference Ideas for Follow-Up


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Shannon Tipton

Shannon Tipton

As Owner of Learning Rebels, Shannon Tipton is a skilled learning strategist, content developer and International speaker. Shannon has over 20 years of leadership experience developing successful learning strategies and infrastructures for training departments within organizations in North America, Europe and Korea.

Shannon works with people and organizations to develop learning solutions that brings actual business results. Recognized as bringing real-world expertise into the learning field, Shannon integrates technologies and social learning tools to strengthen workplace alignment, enhance collaboration and increase learning connectivity.

As author of “Disruptive Learning” Shannon frequently speaking at conferences across North America and Europe and ranks as one of the top 100 L&D influencers on Twitter (@stipton).

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