Brain fog. We’ve all been there.
The world gets fuzzy around the edges. We feel like we’re suffering from a bad case of jet lag. Brain fog, UGH.
Technically, brain fog is the feeling of confusion, forgetfulness, or a lack of focus. Maybe you have trouble thinking, feel moody or easily distracted. Traditionally, our thoughts have been that brain fog is something that happens from time to time. You know – being unable to shake off the fog until we have our grande quad shot, non-fat, one pump, no whip mocha. Am I right?
Well, in some cases it may be natural (Wait? Where did I park my car?) , but in general it’s not normal (Wait, my week is gone – is it Friday?). The fog should not be hovering like a San Francisco morning at the wharf.
As we move into the year of “Progress and Purpose” we cannot forget the body and the brain. Our brains are trying to tell us something when we experience those brain farts, but what exactly? Let’s lift the fog off the fog…
Sleep Matters
First, be sure you are getting enough sleep. Seriously. Many people wear the badge of over-work and under-sleep as a badge of honor. What good is that badge, if you can’t remember where you put it? Not convinced? Here is what happens when you don’t get the sleep you need.
Shaking it off stress
Secondly, don’t be getting all stressed out over your fog – as most likely, it’s the stress that is causing the fog. Time to de-stress. We all have those moments of stress. Project not going your way? Co-workers that keep eating your lunch? Boss who has decided that you have developed super hero capabilities? Those things happen, what shouldn’t happen is letting these stressful moments take over your life. Remember from the post that kicked all this off…positive filters – we need more positive filters, and lots of sugar for all the lemonade we are going to make.
Lastly, put down that second donut. Our eating habits have been linked to our brain cells going into the haze. “Be Brain Fit” has listed all the foods we should be avoiding. I’m not here to tell you to give up your Friday morning Dunkin Donut run, but I think some of us could do a bit better in this area.
Epic Week 3 Giveaway!
Quote from the Book, “The Brain Fog Fix is an easy-to-follow three-week program designed to help naturally restore three of your brain’s most crucial hormones: serotonin, dopamine, and cortisol. Rebalancing these chemicals will in turn enable the rest of your brain’s chemistry to reach optimal levels. Each week of the program focuses on a different element of your life:
In week 1, you’ll improve your mood by modifying your diet and using cognitive strategies to overcome pitfall thought patterns.
In week 2, you’ll increase your energy by focusing on sleep, exercise, and memory-boosting games.
In week 3, you’ll enhance your spirit through practices that help you connect to something larger than yourself and enable you to rediscover your joy in life.
Personally, I’m all about the week 3. Remember in discussing habits, and your personal goals for 2017, we wanted our habits and actions to connect to goals that then connected to our higher purpose. I love how this book gives us information to consider, and new habits to undertake in order to lift the fog.
So here’s your EPIC giveaway announcement.
There are 2 ways to enter this week. First, share your best quality sleeping tips in the question form and second, retweet this post. Let’s help others empty their heads of brain fog. ~ Good luck! Shannon
Dude, Where’s My Car? Fix the Brain Fog