Coaching and Mentoring for Yourself and Others

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This upcoming chat is a two-for-one. 

First, let’s discuss accessing a coach or mentor for our own professional growth and development.

Having a coach or mentor is like having a personal cheerleader in your corner, rooting for your success and helping you overcome any obstacles in your way. They can provide valuable feedback, advice, and support as you develop your skills and grow in your career.

A coach or mentor can also offer a fresh perspective and challenge you to think outside of the box, helping you to identify and pursue new opportunities for growth and development. They can provide a sounding board for your ideas and concerns and offer guidance on how to navigate complex workplace dynamics or overcome obstacles that might be holding you back. With the benefit of their knowledge and experience, you can gain the skills and insights needed to reach your full potential and achieve your professional goals.

So why is it that we don’t take advantage of having a professional coach or mentor? Perhaps it’s because we underestimate the value of investing in our own growth, or because we feel like we should be able to figure it out on our own. But the truth is, even the most successful people have coaches or mentors to help them navigate their careers and achieve their goals. By working with a coach or mentor, we can gain valuable insights, learn from their experiences, and accelerate our growth in ways that would be difficult to achieve on our own. What is holding us back?


Second, let’s discuss building a coaching/mentoring program within our organizations.

We all know that building formal mentoring programs in organizations can have numerous benefits. First and foremost, it can help to facilitate knowledge transfer between more experienced and less experienced team members, ensuring that critical skills and institutional knowledge are passed down through the organization – preventing organizational brain drain. Additionally, it can help to foster a culture of learning and collaboration, encouraging team members to seek out new opportunities for growth and development.

But the challenge to formal mentoring programs is ensuring that they are structured in a way that is effective and sustainable. Plus, it requires an investment of time, resources, and commitment from both mentors and mentees, as well as support from organizational leaders to ensure that the program aligns with broader organizational goals.

Those can be some tough barriers to conquer.

That leaves us with a big question on the table: How can L&D maximize the value of working with a coach or mentor for their own professional growth and development, and what are some effective strategies for building a coaching or mentoring program that can be sustainable within an organization?

Can’t make it in person? No worries. Register for this chat and receive the following:

✅ Follow-up email with resources and extra goodies

✅ Copy of the video recording

✅ Copy of the chatbox transcription

✅ Copy of the full session transcript



Apr 28 2023

11:00 am CDT - 12:00 pm CDT

Coaching and Mentoring for Yourself and Others

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