Reflect & Sketch – How Drawing Can Help You Reflect & Learn

Are you ready to unlock a new dimension of reflection and learning? Join us for an immersive experience in ‘Reflect & Sketch’ where we explore how drawing can be a powerful tool for professional growth and stronger learning connections.

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Learn something new reflect and sketch

What if the key to unlocking full learning potential wasn’t a fancy new app, but a simple pen and paper?

Are you ready to unlock a new dimension of reflection and learning? 

Welcome Back, Rachel Burnham!

We’re excited to welcome Rachel Burnham back for another “Learn Something New Session.” Rachel is a passionate Sketchnote enthusiast with over 30 years of experience in L&D. 

Since 2018, Rachel has used drawing to enhance learning and thinking processes across diverse fields. From forensic scientists to healthcare professionals, Rachel’s methods have proven effective and transformative. In Rachel’s hands, this engaging session offers a practical approach to bringing drawing into your reflective practice. She will help you discover how simple sketches can help you visualize your thoughts, leading to deeper understanding and retention.

Rachel’s vibrant Sketchnotes have graced major L&D conferences in the UK, and her illustrations have captivated audiences internationally. You can explore Rachel’s illustrations and Sketchnotes on this Pinterest board (88) Pinterest

Why Reflection Matters and How Sketchnoting Helps

While taking time to reflect on our work is crucial for continuous professional development, the busyness of life often throws a wrench in those good intentions. Traditional reflection methods can feel like staring at a blank page, a tedious chore that gets forgotten about and pushed aside.

Enter sketchnoting! This method injects a spark of creativity and engagement into the review process. By incorporating visuals alongside key points, you can efficiently synthesize information and gain deeper insights from your experiences. This isn’t just about fun – the act of drawing activates different parts of the brain, making reflection more enjoyable and ultimately more effective.

Why you should be excited to register for this session

  • You’ll develop confidence in drawing simple pictures and graphics
  • You’ll gain practical experience with the Reflect & Sketch technique
  • You’ll gain ideas to incorporate Reflect & Sketch into your learning activites
  • You’ll leave with a new skill to apply deeper reflection on your past work and future plans
  • You’ll have a new tool to build a sense of calm and relaxation in your day-to-day

What to Expect

Join us for a relaxing and thought-provoking ‘Reflect & Sketch’ session where you will:

  • Explore the synergy between drawing and reflection.
  • Experience a hands-on Reflect & Sketch session to review your recent activities and plan ahead.
  • Discover an activity that can be seamlessly incorporated into live online sessions to add a tactile and creative element to learning.

Materials Needed

  • A mindset of fun and exploration!
  • A surface to lean on
  • Plain white copier paper
  • A black pen (a 0.6 fineliner pen is ideal)
  • Colored pens or pencils (helpful)


Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your reflective practice and embrace a creative approach to learning. Reserve your spot today and discover the joy of Reflect & Sketch!


Can’t be there live? We’ve got your back! 

Simply by registering to attend this “Learn Something New” workshop, you will receive the following:

✅ Follow-up email with resources and extra goodies

✅ Copy of the video recording

✅ Copy of the chatbox transcription

✅ Copy of the full session transcript


aptd/cptd pre-approved provider for eligibilitly and recertification points


This program will earn you 1.5 APTD/CPTD certification or recertification points!

Sep 04 2024

11:00 am CDT - 12:30 pm CDT

Reflect & Sketch – How Drawing Can Help You Reflect & Learn

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