Solving Learning Measurement Mysteries: The Facts and Nothing But The Facts

You've given it to the taxman, and now it's time to reward yourself. Purchase this Learn Something New (LSN) with Kevin Yates, and receive $10 off our May LSN with Brenda Peterson, "Shift Happens, Designing Your L&D Career Strategy."

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Image of Kevin Yates the L&D Detective


You’ve given it to the taxman, and now it’s time to reward yourself. Purchase this Learn Something New (LSN) with Kevin Yates, and receive $10 off our May LSN with Brenda Peterson, Shift Happens, Designing Your L&D Career Strategy.”

Are you wondering if your learning solutions are measuring the business impact they should be measuring?

What facts, clues, evidence, and data reveal training and learning’s impact? How do we measure its contribution to human and business performance? Are there credible, reliable signals we can use as proof of measurable outcomes?

Measuring Training Effectiveness Matters

Have you ever wondered if your training programs are truly making a difference? In today’s business world, it’s not enough to deliver training. We need to be able to demonstrate its impact on both individual and business performance.

This Learning Rebels “Intensive” tackles the crucial but often challenging task of measuring training effectiveness. You’ll learn from Kevin M. Yates, the L&D Detective™, as he equips you with the tools and mindset to become an impact investigator yourself. Join Kevin M. Yates, the L&D Detective™, as he shares his message, mindset, and methodology for what makes measuring impact possible. You’ll work alongside Kevin to solve a measurement mystery by conducting an impact investigation.

By participating, you’ll discover that measuring the impact of training and learning on performance is difficult yet very possible.

What will we do?

  • Discover how performance analysis, versus training needs analysis, is the foundation for impacting human and business performance.
  • Identify metrics and measures that give the strongest signal for learning effectiveness.
  • Examine blockers for successful impact measurement and elements that make measuring impact possible.
  • Conduct an impact investigation using a fact-based, truth-centered approach to reveal actual outcomes.
  • Examine the link between impact-based design and the method for measuring fulfillment of purpose.

You, too, can be an L&D Detective. Join us for this immersive, unique learning experience and discover how impact measurement mysteries are solved.

Can’t be there live? We’ve got your back! 

Simply by registering to attend this “Learn Something New” workshop, you will receive the following:

✅ Follow-up email with resources and extra goodies

✅ Copy of the video recording

✅ Copy of the chatbox transcription

✅ Copy of the full session transcript


aptd/cptd pre-approved provider for eligibilitly and recertification points


This program will earn you 1.5 APTD/CPTD certification or recertification points!

Apr 17 2024

11:00 am CDT - 12:30 pm CDT

Solving Learning Measurement Mysteries: The Facts and Nothing But The Facts

Get Your "Complete Guide to Training Evaluation Questions"


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 Tired of the same old, ineffective training methods. Us too!

We're all about shaking things up and creating training that's engaging, impactful, and actually sticks with learners.

And to start the journey, after signing up, you'll get our
"Complete Guide to Training Evaluation Questions"

(By signing up, you agree to receive emails from Learning Rebels, and while it would make us sad, you can opt-out at any time.)

AWESOME! Welcome to Learning Rebels! You'll receive your "Complete Guide to Training Questions" after you confirm your email - so hop on over!IMPORTANT for the future: Be sure you have the address added to your contacts or if you're using gmail moved to your primary folder. This way you don't miss a thing. It would be a tragedy for all our resources to end up in your spam folder!