Strategies for Sustained Self-Motivation

As we continue to wear numerous hats, maintaining a high level of self-motivation becomes difficult, but is essential. Join this Coffee Chat, where we'll gather and share practical tips, techniques, and recommended practices for kindling your inner drive and sustaining motivation and energy.

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Coffee Chat Self Motivation

Strategies for Sustained Self-Motivation Coffee Chat

Are you feeling caught in the endless cycle of work, struggling to keep your motivation alive? 

You’re not alone. 

As we continue to wear numerous hats, maintaining a high level of self-motivation becomes difficult, but is essential. Join this Coffee Chat, where we’ll share practical tips, techniques, and recommended practices for kindling your inner drive and sustaining motivation.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Understanding Motivation: Explore what fuels your passion for L&D and how to leverage it effectively.
  • Strategies to Overcome Stagnation: Learn how to break free from the monotonous ‘hamster wheel’ of routine tasks.
  • Energy Management: Tips for balancing your professional and personal life to maintain a consistent energy level.
  • Creating a Self-Motivation Toolkit: Discover tools and resources to keep yourself inspired and engaged in your L&D career.

You can expect:

  1. Motivation Strategies: Discover personalized motivation strategies to help you keep your energy high.
  2. Effective Routine Breakers: Techniques to disrupt monotonous patterns and rejuvenate your workday.
  3. Balanced Energy Management Plans: Insights on balancing work and personal life to optimize your energy.
  4. Build a Resource List: Discover a list of tools and resources to continuously fuel your motivation.

Ready to transform your motivation levels? Reserve your spot now, and let’s come together to share, learn, and grow in our L&D journey. Your next burst of inspiration awaits!


Can’t Make It In Person? No Worries, We’ve Got Your Back! Register And Receive The Following:

✅ Access to the Learning Rebels resource page with all the extra goodies

✅ Copy of the video recording

✅ Copy of the chatbox transcription

✅ Copy of the full session transcript & summary

✅ Additional resources such as books, articles and handouts

Feb 16 2024

11:00 am CST - 12:00 pm CST

Strategies for Sustained Self-Motivation

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