The Role of Instructional Design Today

With the rapid integration of technology into our learning environments, many in the L&D community are wondering about the future of instructional design roles. Will they evolve? Will they become obsolete? Or will they take on a new shape altogether? These are questions that many of us have, and it's time we come together to discuss them.

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Together, let’s tackle this pressing concern: with the swift pace of technological advancements, what will the role of instructional designers look like in the coming years?



In these times of uncertainty, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The integration of technology into learning environments is not just a trend; it’s a paradigm shift that’s reshaping the very way we do our jobs. As digital tools become more sophisticated and accessible, they offer unprecedented opportunities for creating dynamic, personalized, and engaging learning experiences.

On the flip side, this rapid technological advancement also brings with it a cloud of uncertainty, especially for those of us in L&D and Instructional Design roles. The fear of obsolescence is real. The tools and methodologies that are currently in use are now being reevaluated with an eye toward AI and other technologies. For instance, the rise of AI can potentially automate some aspects of the instructional design role, such as content curation and creation, leading us to wonder: What will be the role of an instructional designer in the future?

But the conversation doesn’t have to be all gloom and doom. Challenges also bring opportunities, and there’s the exciting possibility of evolution. New roles that we haven’t even envisioned yet might emerge. The future could be very bright. 

As L&D professionals and instructional designers, we have the power to shape our profession’s future, ensuring it remains relevant, impactful, and aligned with the ever-evolving needs of learners and organizations.

So, are you ready to be part of this important conversation? 

Let’s all get together and chat about where instructional design is headed! Who knows, you might even get some cool ideas for your career path. When we mix our thoughts together, we’ll develop a whole mix of ideas to help us see the future. Let’s do this!


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Oct 20 2023

11:00 am CDT - 12:00 pm CDT

The Role of Instructional Design Today

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