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The 2015 Kaizen Adventure

Another year, another kaizen adventure. Well, not just one adventure - a whole host of adventures and FYI - I am referring to changes as adventures. Because that's what they...
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It’s All About the Brand, ‘Bout the Brand…

Brands are all around us and at a glance we know what they mean and who they represent. They fit naturally and comfortably into our lexicon, instantly recognizable. Then sometimes...
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Here a Hashtag, There a Hashtag, Everywhere a Hashtag

As part of our 2015 commitment to Kaizen and incremental improvements, it's time to shift the gaze toward improving the “Learning Toolbox for the 21st Century”. As you may remember...
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Learning Reflections (part one) – The Ups and Downs of DevLearn: Holly MacDonald

Before we begin: One of the things I love about being a "Learning Rebel" is the network of other Learning Rebels which has been built up through this website! There are...
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Challenging the Conventional Thinker

If curiosity is the gateway to learning - the challenge then becomes "Now what?" Anyone who is a regular reader knows that I stand on the edge of the world...
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Marketing Your Learning Department – Beyond Free Lunch

You probably know the old saying, "Where there's free food there's an audience".   This old adage is still probably true in a lot of organizations, and most of the...
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10 Ways to Take Your Corporate University Out of Snoozeville

PING - "Congratulations, your Manager has selected you to attend the Wing-Nuts University! Save the date! 100 more emails to follow with explicit instructions on what to wear, how to...
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In the Afterglow of ASTD ICE 2014 – Now What? Part 4: Tom Spiglanin

If you are curious about our "What Now?" series, you can catch up here with part one.    Today our story continues with Tom Spiglanin who works in the L&D...
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In the Afterglow of ASTD ICE 2014 – Now What? Part 2: C. Michael Ferraro

If you haven't read part one of our "Now What?" series, you can start here.  Today we highlight the story of C. Michael Ferraro, President, Training Solutions, Inc. & Public Policy...
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In the Afterglow – ASTD ICE 2014. Now What?

The adrenaline rush of ASTD ICE 2014 is slowing dropping back to realistic levels, tweets leveling off, and people starting to talk about things that don't include words like "evaluations",...
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