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Go Make Something Happen!

Productivity is a fair weathered friend, at best. Sometimes it's with you, holding your hand, moving you along while singing Margaritaville.  Other times it's hungover (most likely from said margarita's) and...
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The Twitter Chat Conundrum (Part Two)

You all KILLED IT! Last week our conversation centered around the twitter chat. How twitter chats, in general, may be improved and I have to say the response was great. I...
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Now What? 6 After Conference Tips

Okay, you’ve just returned from ATD ICE 2015.  The glow of the conference is fading as quickly as the warmth of the Orlando sun. Because we are Rebels, we aren’t...
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6 Ways to Add Sizzle to Your Classroom

Last week I wrote about the "6 Stupid Classroom Rules Learning Professionals Still Use" Apparently I hit a nerve, but what's important is we had some good debate.  What was...
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6 Stupid Classroom Rules Learning Professionals Still Use

In order to have a chance at creating a positive learning environment, we must first reach the hearts and minds of participants. Not impose out-dated (and plain stupid) classroom rules....
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Here a Hashtag, There a Hashtag, Everywhere a Hashtag

As part of our 2015 commitment to Kaizen and incremental improvements, it's time to shift the gaze toward improving the “Learning Toolbox for the 21st Century”. As you may remember...
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Marketing Your Learning Department – Beyond Free Lunch

You probably know the old saying, "Where there's free food there's an audience".   This old adage is still probably true in a lot of organizations, and most of the...
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10 Ways to Take Your Corporate University Out of Snoozeville

PING - "Congratulations, your Manager has selected you to attend the Wing-Nuts University! Save the date! 100 more emails to follow with explicit instructions on what to wear, how to...
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The Afterglow of ASTD ICE – Now What? Part 3: Donna Phillips

If you're wondering what this "Now What?" series is all about, catch up here with part 1.  You can also read C. Michael Ferraro's story here.  Today in our "In...
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In the Afterglow of ASTD ICE 2014 – Now What? Part 2: C. Michael Ferraro

If you haven't read part one of our "Now What?" series, you can start here.  Today we highlight the story of C. Michael Ferraro, President, Training Solutions, Inc. & Public Policy...
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We're all about shaking things up and creating training that's engaging, impactful, and actually sticks with learners.

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