Community-Based Learning for stronger learning connections

As organizational learning continues to evolve, it’s time to dust off a learning method that has the power to reshape how knowledge is cultivated and shared and addresses employee well-being: community-based learning. This approach moves beyond traditional learning programs and standard curricula by tapping into the collective intelligence of a group to drive learning and innovation. It’s where the social nature of learning comes to life and unlocks new levels of potential within an organization.

But what exactly does community-based learning look like in practice, and how can it transform the way your organization learns and grows? Whether you’re looking to refresh your onboarding process, break down silos, or address the “Work and Loneliness Epidemic” through empowering continuous professional development, community-based learning holds the key. 

Together, let’s go through the myriad of use cases for learning communities and explore how they can enrich your organization’s learning ecosystem.

In the comments below, share how you are using communities in your organization to support learning and performance change.

Understanding Community-Based Learning

Community-based learning stands as a strategic pivot from the conventional, often siloed learning approaches, reminding us that, at its core, learning is a social endeavor. It’s a collective journey that thrives on interaction, discussion, and the shared pursuit of knowledge, and we know the benefits of this approach are many. 

When well thought out, community-based learning actively engages individuals, sparking a deeper investment in their own learning journey. This engagement translates into a wealth of ideas, where experiences are shared organically and knowledge gaps are bridged collaboratively. The result is continuous learning being part of the average everyday work life and not just relegated to the occasional training session.

The Difference Between Social and Community-Based Learning

Social learning and community-based learning are closely related concepts, but they have distinct characteristics.

Social Learning refers to the process of learning through observing others, imitating behaviors, and modeling oneself after the observed behaviors. It’s a fundamental concept that underpins how humans learn from one another in everyday life. In the context of an organization, social learning happens informally, as employees watch and learn from their peers, mentors, or leaders. This can occur through casual conversations, observing others at work, or through more structured social learning platforms that encourage sharing and collaboration.

Community-Based Learning, on the other hand, is a structured approach that brings together a group of individuals with common learning goals or interests. It’s about creating a dedicated space—either physical or virtual—where this group can share knowledge, support each other, and work collaboratively towards a common goal. Community-based learning is intentional, with a focus on building a learning community that engages in regular interactions, shared practices, and collective learning experiences.

Therefore, while social learning is an organic and often informal process that leverages the social nature of humans, community-based learning is a deliberate effort to create a supportive environment where a group can learn together. 

Use-Cases for Community-Based Learning

  • Easing the New Employee Transition: A new employee community solves the problem of acclimating new hires to a company’s culture and workflow. By fostering a welcoming environment where newcomers can engage with peers, they gain a deeper understanding of their roles through shared experiences and insights. Newcomers can quickly absorb the company culture, values, and required knowledge through interactive discussions and shared experiences with their peers. 
  • Breaking Down Departmental Barriers: Silos within organizations can stifle innovation and efficiency, and a cross-departmental learning community addresses the issue of knowledge silos and fragmented communication. It creates a collaborative space for employees from various departments to come together, share diverse expertise, and work on joint initiatives. This not only enhances inter-departmental relations but also sparks innovation by combining different perspectives to solve complex problems.
  • Cultivating Leadership Skills: Leadership-focused learning communities fill the gap in continuous leadership development. Developing future leaders is crucial for the sustainability of any organization. A community built for aspiring leaders provides them with a dynamic space to develop their skills, engage in meaningful conversations about leadership challenges, and receive constructive feedback. 
  • Enhancing Customer Service Skills: A customer service excellence community solves the ongoing challenge of delivering top-tier customer support. It serves as a platform for customer service representatives to share successful strategies, troubleshoot common issues, and continuously refine their approach to customer interactions. This peer-supported learning environment ensures that customer service standards evolve to meet changing customer needs and expectations.
  • Boosting Sales Performance: A sales-focused learning community addresses the challenge of consistently meeting and surpassing sales targets. It provides a space for sales professionals to exchange effective tactics, stay updated on product knowledge, and refine their sales strategies through peer feedback. This community helps in identifying best practices and innovative sales techniques, ensuring the team adapts to market trends and customer demands efficiently.
  • Combatting Workplace Loneliness: In today’s often virtual work environments, employees can sometimes feel isolated, leading to a sense of workplace loneliness. This isn’t just bad for our health; it’s also bad for business. Researchers Ozcelik and Barsade found that having strong social connections at work makes employees more likely to be engaged with their jobs and produce higher-quality work and less likely to fall sick or be injured. By creating learning communities focused on shared interests or professional development, employees can interact, collaborate, and support each other, reducing feelings of isolation.

Learn More About How You Can Grow Your Skills in the Learning Rebels Community

Successful Learning Community Implementation

Having explored the diverse use cases for community-based learning, the next step is to turn these concepts into action. Let’s pivot to the practicalities of bringing these communities to life within your organization. The following key steps will provide guidance for implementing learning communities effectively, ensuring they deliver value and foster a culture of collaborative growth.

Meet with Learning Rebels to Make this Plan Come Alive For Your Organization
  • When setting the stage for a learning community within your organization, clarity is king. Begin by defining what the community needs to achieve and how these goals contribute to the larger picture of overall business success. 
  • If setting goals is King, then creating engagement elements is Queen. To foster engagement within a learning community, it’s essential to create a structured yet flexible framework that encourages regular participation. Think of it as developing a series of professional development events that members can look forward to. Schedule these at regular intervals, such as bi-weekly deep-dive sessions or monthly collaborative workshops, to maintain momentum and keep the community active. 
  • The digital backbone of your community—the platform you choose—can make or break the experience. It should be as easy to navigate as your favorite smartphone app and just as indispensable. Look for features that foster collaboration and make sure it’s something everyone can access, regardless of where they are or what device they’re using.
  • A community thrives on the generosity of its members—their willingness to share knowledge, resources, and experiences. Foster this generosity by setting the tone from the top. Encourage community leaders to model the behavior you want to see and create guidelines that support a culture of mutual respect and continuous learning.
  • Psychological safety is the thread that holds everything together. It’s vital to cultivate an environment where members feel secure and valued—not just for their contributions but for their willingness to ask questions, challenge ideas, and share experiences without fear of ridicule or retribution. This sense of safety encourages risk-taking and deepens the learning experience, as members are more likely to engage in open, honest dialogue and explore new ideas. 

Measuring the Impact of Learning Communities

To truly understand the value of your learning communities, it’s imperative to measure their impact with a clear and consistent approach. 

First, consider the broader organizational outcomes. Assess how the learning community is influencing key business metrics, such as employee retention rates, time-to-productivity for new hires, customer satisfaction scores, or sales figures. This linkage between community activity and business results can powerfully demonstrate the ROI of your learning initiatives.

It’s also beneficial to track the application of learned skills in the workplace. 

  • Are members applying new strategies or tools discussed within the community? 
  • Is there a noticeable improvement in work performance or productivity?
  • Have members introduced any new tools or practices in their workflow that can be directly traced back to discussions or resources from the learning community?
  • Are there specific examples where feedback or collaboration within the community has led to problem-solving or innovation in the workplace?
  • How frequently do members report utilizing the knowledge or strategies gained from the community in their day-to-day responsibilities?
  • What changes in workplace behavior or culture have been observed that correlate with the learning initiatives and activities undertaken within the community?

Remember, the data you collect should serve as a compass, guiding the ongoing development and evolution of your learning communities. By consistently measuring and analyzing the impact, you can ensure that these communities remain vibrant, relevant, and aligned with both individual growth and organizational success.

To Wrap This Up

The implementation of community-based learning within an organization is not just about creating a new channel for knowledge sharing—it’s about fostering a dynamic ecosystem where learning is continuous, collaborative, and deeply integrated into the fabric of the organization. By understanding the diverse use cases, we have the power to unlock immense learning value. 

Want to create stronger and more engaged Learning Communities? Learning Rebels can help you through the messy middle. Schedule your free meeting to learn how.

Shannon Tipton

Shannon Tipton

As Owner of Learning Rebels, Shannon Tipton is a skilled learning strategist, content developer and International speaker. Shannon has over 20 years of leadership experience developing successful learning strategies and infrastructures for training departments within organizations in North America, Europe and Korea.

Shannon works with people and organizations to develop learning solutions that brings actual business results. Recognized as bringing real-world expertise into the learning field, Shannon integrates technologies and social learning tools to strengthen workplace alignment, enhance collaboration and increase learning connectivity.

As author of “Disruptive Learning” Shannon frequently speaking at conferences across North America and Europe and ranks as one of the top 100 L&D influencers on Twitter (@stipton).

8 thoughts on “Community-Based Learning for stronger learning connections”

  1. My biggest key takeaway is to have a clear purpose about what the participant will gain by joining – it’s all about the WIIFM! – which is the first thing that anyone wants to know about a lesson, a group, etc.

    • Thanks for the comment Jean! Yes! People who are entering into a community need to know why they should care. How will this involvement impact me or the goals I have?

  2. I’ve enjoyed Shannon’s Coffee Chats and Learn Something New Wednesdays for the past three years. She creates a welcoming, safe learning and discussion environment. Shannon is a terrific educator, and her group facilitation and content curation skills are top-notch!

      • That BIG purpose is so easy to overlook too! we assume that everyone knows why were here…but really they don’t. Or their “why” is different from the community “why”. This alignment is so important.

  3. Just attended your fabulous webinar on building communities of practice! I will go back and fill in some of the gaps for the steps I skipped! This affirmed much of what I’m doing — but I learned many new things as well. Thank you!!

    • Thank you, Devah! I’m so glad you found the information helpful, and hopefully the information in this post will help fill in some gaps as well.


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