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Brainpower Bonanza: The Magic of Groups in Creative Problem Solving

One of the tough jobs of Learning & Development (L&D), is the search for fresh, impactful ideas. Sometimes trying to find new ideas can feel like searching for a needle...
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The Skill of Creative Problem Solving

Is Creative Problem Solving (CPS) the undiscovered catalyst that can propel learning experiences to new heights?   CPS is a vital tool in addressing the multifaceted challenges that often arise...
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Unleashing Your Creative Potential

Creativity is not the purview of artists! As L&D professionals, we thrive on generating new ideas. But where do new ideas come from, and how can you generate more of...
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6 Keys to Build a Culture of Collaboration

Building a Culture of Collaboration As the way of doing business has shifted - meeting fatigue has morphed into Zoom fatigue. When that started happening, as L&D is prone to do...
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30 Day Brainstorm Challenge: Day 7 – Recharge the Battery

  It's day 7 of our 30 Day Brainstorm Challenge - Recharge the Battery   Today was a day for friendship.   This is the last day of my time...
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30 Day Brainstorm Challenge Day 2: I’m Ready to Rumble

30 Day Brainstorm Challenge Day 2 and I'm ready to rumble, with myself.   Beginning this challenge has lead me to realize what a poor job I do to properly...
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30 Day Brainstorm Challenge!

It's been a beautiful summer in Illinois, and I don't know about you - but I've been trying to take advantage of it. In Illinois, winter can be 6 months,...
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Go Make Something Happen!

Productivity is a fair weathered friend, at best. Sometimes it's with you, holding your hand, moving you along while singing Margaritaville.  Other times it's hungover (most likely from said margarita's) and...
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3 Ways to Get Your Creative Mojo Going (When You Aren’t Feeling it)

There you are, at your desk – eyes glazing over and shoulders sagging under the weight of the Friday afternoon, 2pm doldrums. Three more hours before quitting time and thismuchcloser...
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 Tired of the same old, ineffective training methods. Us too!

We're all about shaking things up and creating training that's engaging, impactful, and actually sticks with learners.

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