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Strategies for Sustained Self-Motivation

Strategies for Sustained Self-Motivation Coffee Chat Are you feeling caught in the endless cycle of work, struggling to keep your motivation alive?  You're not alone.  As we continue to wear...
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Yes, You are a Badass!

What is being a badass? Someone leaping tall buildings in a single bound? Someone winning the Food Network Holiday Baking Championship? Someone making a one handed football catch? Someone with...
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3 Ways to Get Your Creative Mojo Going (When You Aren’t Feeling it)

There you are, at your desk – eyes glazing over and shoulders sagging under the weight of the Friday afternoon, 2pm doldrums. Three more hours before quitting time and thismuchcloser...
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The Mystery of Inspiration

You never know who or what will inspire you. Yep, I was inspired by a Super Bowl commercial. Made by Cadillac no less. 30 seconds of Steve Wozniak. The search...
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Learning: Playing the Blame Game

When did shaming the learner become okay? Lately, in this writer’s humble opinion, L&D (Learning and Development) professionals have been taking a ride on the Bully Bus, looking to create...
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In the Afterglow of ASTD ICE 2014 – Now What? It’s a Wrap! Tricia Ransom

To get up to spend with our "ASTD ICE 2014 - Now What?" series, start here.  Well it's a wrap! I want to take a moment to thank our participants...
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Learning Rebel: Not Just for Learning, but All Day, Everyday

Some days you just want to give in.   Give in to the masses.  Give in to the "Gate Keepers" and to the "Recruiters" (in quotes for a reason, some...
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Accidental Trainer

Imagine yourself in a convention hall filled with people, each in an orgasmic state over the latest and greatest methods to improve adult learning.  You would be at the American...
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Kindergarten Rebel

Not too long ago I posted "5 Tips to Being a Learning Rebel"; in short these were my points. Challenge the status quo. Understand the concept of Kaizen. Knowing that...
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 Tired of the same old, ineffective training methods. Us too!

We're all about shaking things up and creating training that's engaging, impactful, and actually sticks with learners.

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